Jasp Mac Download

Note: this review concerns an older version (0.92) — JASP is now up to 0.10.2 and has added numerous analyses.

  1. Jasp Mac Download Windows 10
  2. Jasp Mac Download Software
  3. Jasp Download Mac

JASP was created as “a low fat alternative to SPSS, a delicious alternative to R,” and comes out of the University of Amsterdam (presumably at lower cost than buying SPSS).

  • Here's how to download, install, and open files in JASP. I illustrate on a Windows 10 computer, but I give some guidance as to how to install on a Mac as wel.
  • Email: info@jasp-stats.org NB. For feature requests, for help installing JASP, or for bug reports: please post your issue on our GitHub page so the JASP team can assist you efficiently (for details see this.

JASP is not yet at version 1 and may be used with caution; it also requires the free XQuartz window environment. Though it’s not a native Mac program, it does use the native open/save dialogue box, surprisingly; and it’s easy to install, unlike, say, PSPP.

Download JASP Entirely for free, no strings attached. Windows Windows 64bit Windows 32bit The pre-installed 64-bit or 32-bit version can be used if the msi fails. Please note that JASP0.14 is not available. The latest version of JASP is 0.6 on Mac Informer. It is a perfect match for the System Tools category. The app is developed by JASP.

The software looks and feels like SPSS; though it isn’t native Mac software, it feels more native than some of SPSS’ past versions. Calculations and screen drawing are far, far, far faster than in “real SPSS” — when you select the tests, they might actually be pumped out before your finger is fully off the mouse.

We loaded our big test file instantly — and ran descriptives instantly. When it could not finish one process in a reasonable time, we ran others, indicating it’s well multi-threaded. The survey file also loaded in a fraction of a second; frequencies for all 40 five-point variables came in the blink of an eye.

Survey researchers will be happy to know they can assign value labels — and unhappy to know they must be done variable by variable, without syntax. The labels are retroactively applied to whatever is in the output window, very rapidly.

There is a copy function for either individual charts or whole analyses, but when we tried, it didn’t work — until I tried pasting into Pages and Word (it looks much better in Pages). Copying worked just fine for graphics, and there’s also an easy graphics export.

What’s missing in JASP? There are still many procedures to be written, but the biggest user-interface gaps from “actual SPSS” are in the lack of syntax or macros, and the lack of customizability for charts. There do not seem to be plans for syntax. There's also no way to change data in the spreadsheet view, but this may not be a big problem; and, while you can use long variable names (with spaces), you can't do variable labels.

Thanks to Prof. Kim-Oliver Tietze for pointing us to JASP.

JASP project/download page • Other free Mac statistics packages • PAST • Jamovi

Jasp Mac Download

Unsigned software

The developers do not pay Apple $99 per year for an account, so they are not “signed” by Apple. You can’t open this software by double-clicking; instead, right-click (on one-button mice, hold down the control button while clicking), and select Open from the contextual menu. You will get the scary dialogue box; fill it out if you want to run the software. The system should remember your choice and should not ask you again unless you update the software, and you can double-click to run from here on.

If you don’t even get that far, go to your System Preferences, click on Security & Privacy (first row, looks like a house), go to the General tab, unlock the preference (click on the lock, bottom left), and then select “Allow apps downloaded from App Store and identified developers.” This, again, only has to be done once.

Books by MacStats maintainer David Zatz• MacStats created in 1996 by Dr. Joel West; edited since 2005 by Dr. David Zatz of Toolpack Consulting. Copyright © 2005-2021 Zatz LLC. All rights reserved. Contact us.

Updated 11/9/2020
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Meet the free SPSS clones

Jasp Mac Download Windows 10

I have taught statistics using JASP, Jamovi, and PSPP. Each has advantages and disadvantages, and there is nothing stopping you from using all three depending on what you are trying to do. Ironically, each one has a much faster user interface than SPSS—and all import and export SPSS .sav and syntax files.

JASP is a fork of (it was originally based on) Jamovi; both are still under active development, which have fairly similar user interfaces, and both saved a good deal of time and trouble by not reinventing the wheel—they are essentially user interfaces for another statistics program, the hard-to-learn-and-use R.

RegressionStepwise, forward, backwardEnter (supports multi-step)Enter (one step)
Missing valuesProgram-wide onlyBy variableBy variable
Statistics engineRRPSPP
M1 nativeBuild from sourceBuild from sourceBuild from source

The programs have spreadsheet-like data editors, but it's best to prepare information for them somewhere else; they let you computer variables, but in a clunky and hard to use way. Importing variable labels and missing values from SPSS files sometimes fails (I've only seen the missing values problem on Windows), a major drawback to programs that will read SPSS files otherwise.

Jasp mac download software
JASP and JamoviPSPP
t-testsShared variance onlyShared and unique variance
OutputCopies as tablesCopies as plain text
More modules?YesNo
WindowsOne triple-pane windowThree windows
SyntaxNoYes, SPSS
Contextual helpYes, nicely integratedNo
Can log commands to a fileYes (can’t easily replay)In theory/not working
Mac open/save/print boxesNoNo
Can use as SPV file viewerYes

Jasp Mac Download Software

JASP and Jamovi share lightning-fast speed; a wide range of statistics, with extra plugins on Jamovi; and easy installation on Macs, Windows, and Linux. Their basic interface has an Office 365-style open/save/print/export tab; options on the left, output on the right layout; instant changes to the output if you change the input; and export of both data and output, as desired.

Jasp Download Mac


There’s a third SPSS clone, one which keeps most of the user interface from a relatively ancient version of SPSS: PSPP. At the moment there are some nasty bugs, but overall it might be easier for many people to use than JASP and Jamovi. It's easier to master if you're used to SPSS, but development has been very slow and JASP and Jamovi may be better options for that reason—unless you do a lot of computes and recodes and other data manipulation, or do a lot of t-tests. Then PSPP is the best choice.