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Why You Should Clean Up Gmail

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With so much free space, it’s no wonder that Gmail users sometimes neglect inbox management, never deleting old emails and seldom unsubscribing from newsletters they are no longer interested in. Because those 15 gigabytes of storage space that all Gmail users get to enjoy for free are shared across all Google services, including Google Drive and Google Photos, a Gmail inbox can reach its capacity quicker than it might seem at first.

When that happens, the natural reaction of most users is to delete as many old and useless messages as possible. However, Gmail users typically discover that deleting old emails in bulk is easier said than done. The problem is that not all old emails are equally useless.

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Hidden among advertisement, social media notification emails, and various one-time confirmation emails are old bank account statements, login credentials to various accounts, and personal and work-related messages. To avoid deleting anything valuable, Gmail users typically go through thousands of emails page-by-page and manually select each message they wish to delete, which can take hours and days.

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Fortunately, there are ways how to approach Gmail cleanup systematically and even automate it altogether. Let’s take a closer look at several ways how to clean Gmail inbox without wasting your valuable time and how to keep it clean and free of clutter using an automated Gmail cleaner app.