If you need to place a PCB order on NEXTPCB website, you should provide Gerber file which is for PCB manufacturing.
This article is teaching you how to export Gerber files from Altium PCB software.
Having used Proteus a lot, it does allow you to create both Gerber and ODB files. To create Gerber files from your.PCB file, open the.PCB in ARES, go to the OUTPUT menu (Next to File Menu), and click on Gerber/Excellion Output. That should then generate the gerbers for you. Then import it via: File - Open - Altium EasyEDA offers an excellent experience in importing Alitum Designer’s Schematic and PCB as you can see from the image below of a schematic imported from Altium Designer: If your schematic and PCB are Protel 99se format files, please open at Altium Designer and save as ASCII format, and then import them. The file extension for NC Drill data created in the Altium Designer PCB Editor is.txt. Click to open the Browse For Folder dialog and navigate to the CAM Imports & Exports folder you extracted from the download ZIP mentioned at the start of this article, and click OK. To open an Altium Designer PCB document in CircuitStudio do the following: In Altium Designer Save your PCB as a PCB 5.0 binary file. Do this by going to file save as from the pulldown menu choose PCB5.0 Binary. In CircuitStudio go to file import and choose the PCB5.0 binary file.
Step 1.Open your .PCBDOC design files on Altium designer software
Click: File -> Fabrication Outputs -> Gerber Files.Step 2.General Setting
In the General Setting, please set the precision to 2:5 (0.01 mill resolution)Step 3.Layers Setting
Firstly, please make sure you have the clear outline in mechanical layer.If your board are 2-layer PCB, there will be no inner layers (G1, G2, G3....).
Include the layers that you want to export by marking these,
select “Used On” in Plot Layers, Select “All Off” in Mirror Layers.
Step 4.Aperture Setting
Please make sure to mark “Embedded apertures (RS-274-X)” format.Step 5.Advanced Setting
See below picture, when you make sure all configurations are fine. Please click the OK to generate theGerber files. Gerber Files will be automatically exported from Altium cam viewer.
This tool allows you to verify that all layers have been generated correctly and that they are all in positive mode.
Step 6.Generating NC Drill Data
Don’t forget to export the NC Drill data after generating Gerber file. Many engineer will forget thisstep so that the supplier could not fabricate the PCBs without drill data file.
a. Generate the Drilling layer in Excellon format.
Choose: File -> Fabrication Outputs -> NC Drill Filesb. We recommend you to choose the same units and format parameters
Altium File Format
Altium File Types
in this setting process for drill data. Then click OK.How To Open Protel Pcb File In Altium
After this step, please zip the Gerber files and NC Drill data, then correct Gerber files has been done.
If you have any question, contact us free: support@nextpcb.com.